Serving Up Success: Tennis Program Empowers Hudson's Youth

At The Spark of Hudson, we are always seeking innovative ways to nurture and support our community's growth. Our latest initiative, a partnership between The Spark of Hudson and Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood, is an exciting example of how sports can serve as a powerful tool for education and empowerment. Every Wednesday, under the guidance of coach Eli Armstrong, a group of enthusiastic children from Hudson embarks on a tennis adventure at Old Chatham Tennis Club. This journey promises not only fun and games but also valuable life lessons.

Tennis and More at Old Chatham Tennis Club

We are thrilled to use the facilities of Old Chatham Tennis Club (OCTC) as the venue for this incredible opportunity to Hudson's young residents. Along with our dedicated team, including coach Eli Armstrong, we have created a program that combines physical activity with skill development, all while fostering a sense of camaraderie and achievement.

A Swing Towards Empowerment

Why tennis, you may wonder? Tennis is more than just a sport; it's a vehicle for personal growth. Here are some of the ways our tennis program is making a difference:

  • Physical Activity: Tennis gets kids moving, promoting physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle. It's a fun way to stay active and develop coordination.

  • Teamwork and Sportsmanship: On the court, children learn the value of teamwork, fair play, and respecting opponents. These lessons translate into better interpersonal skills in all areas of life.

  • Goal Setting: Setting goals is an essential life skill. In tennis, children set goals for their serves, volleys, and matches, teaching them the importance of ambition and determination.

  • Confidence Building: As children improve their tennis skills under coach Armstrong's guidance, they gain confidence in their abilities. This newfound self-assuredness extends beyond the tennis court, helping them tackle challenges with resilience.

  • Fun and Friendship: The tennis program is not just about competition; it's also about building friendships and having fun. We believe that positive experiences create lasting memories and shape children's futures.

Thank You, Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood!

None of this would be possible without the support of Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood, who shares our commitment to providing opportunities for Hudson's youth to thrive. Together, we are investing in the next generation, helping them build a strong foundation for success.


The Power of Steward Ownership


Nourishing Minds and Spaces: The Spark's Renovation at Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood